Playing in the Hang
/Was in a Hang last night and son of a bitch if it wasn’t all newbies.
Had a great smile, realizing that.
Not one vet in the group.
It was totally amazing.
People were actually engaging like I’d imagine Hang to be.
They were trying new things.
They were falling on their faces.
They were getting hits.
They were getting on base.
And they were totally striking out.
For the most part, it sure as hell looked like everyone was having a good time, playing a really cool game, dancing a really cool dance.
One person was actually trying to dance as a new character.
And when they fell out of the new character into the old, they mostly laughed, picked themselves up, dusted themselves off, and got back into character.
Just laughing.
It’s not rocket science.
Working out is not rocket science.
Practicing is not rocket science.
It can be a slog.
It’s a ton of fun for a newbie to be in there and catching fire.
It can be a vet who has something new catch on fire.
Love the bold actions that being on fire generate.
Absolutely love watching the amazement that their head didn’t explode or the ground open up and hell claim them or that everyone isn’t shaming them to death.
If you want to practice being different, go someplace where your existing social/cultural norms don’t bind you.
If you want to try and be different in the very same place where you have been the old you…it can be done.
Just as you can move a pile of sand with tweezers.
Chances are that way before a significant amount of sand has moved, your Primal Character will have you distracted by some new toy or drama.
Just sayin’.
Anyhow, always an open invite to Hang.