Appreciation - What clients say about me

“Working with Kraye was a life changing experience for me. He has a way of gently diffusing drama and at the same time identifying your growing edge and pushing it, hard. It was challenging at first, but as the process unfolded, I could see the benefits and rewards showing up in my life. I highly recommend Kraye for coaching.”  -LW


“It took me a while to get up to speed with Dojo ‘vocabulary’ and concepts – so be patient – it’s like learning a new language. For me dojo has helped me see different parts of me I wasn’t even aware I was avoiding – or even knew were there – and helped me open to them, release blocked energy and ‘stories’ I held about myself, so I can become more multi-dimensional. I feel more excitement about who I am becoming, I feel freedom, liberation, flow and am liking the new parts of myself that I’m incorporating in who I am becoming.

“That said, the process itself isn’t always fun, light or easy – it’s the getting to the ‘other side’ of the process that feels amazing. While Kraye has his own, often confronting, style of teaching, I know he shares his wisdom from a place of wanting to serve others. He totally has my back and supports me through my process – regardless of how scary or messy it gets for me. Sometimes I want to ‘get off the train’, but can’t seem to say no to more opening for myself – so I head to my 4th round of Dojo next month.” -Whitney


“I have been stuck circling around and around the same ‘room' for decades revisiting the same ‘life’ issues; yes, always increasing my ‘awareness’ and my ‘knowing’ yet stuck in the same behavior patterns without any forward movement.  Metaphorically speaking, Kraye suggested I stop, choose one of the doors in that room, and venture through it.  In so doing my world shattered, my myths collapsed, and I found myself empty, free, and terrified.  What I discovered in walking through that door and getting through the fire I found on the other side only I can know; it’s unique to me.  What Kraye gave me was the gift of suggesting I walk through the door, staying with my choice once I made it, some useful tools and processes to work with what I found, and the awareness that much of what I needed to get through the ‘hell’ I encountered I would need to create and discover myself.  Consequently, the life I am creating, the choices I am making and the person I am becoming having dealt with what I found are my own.  Essentially I am now free to the extent that I choose to be.  Kraye: student as teacher; teacher as student - the gift of his humility is helping me become me.  With sincere thanks for his allegiance to not knowing what is right for me and insisting I discover it myself.”  -EM


"Coaching with Kraye has led me to greater ease, and freedom to be myself with confidence and clarity.
His style of coaching is unique because it doesn’t just lead me to a better me but to a fundamentally more vibrant and truer me, and while what I see about myself in that process doesn’t always feel comfortable in the moment, I walk away from coaching sessions with him with a deeper sense of knowing who I am.
Because with Kraye I do the tough work. The work I couldn’t do on my own. And he stays with me in the moment, with deep respect and care for the me doing the work, not just the content of the work itself.
And that level of presence, insight, and support is transformative.
I walk away new.
But coaching with Kraye isn’t for the faint of heart.
By helping me identify limiting presuppositions that have constricted my way of being in the world, Kraye helps me carve out the me who I want to be both to myself and in the world. 
And as it turns out, I am pretty stunning.
And I wouldn’t have known how much so or in what way, without him.
Coaching with Kraye, is, well, to put it in one word:  life-changing." -BK


“I need to sum it down a few novels I guess. I would be honored to write on your behalf. But 8 years is a long time to capture... all I can say is that without you and your guidance with human understanding, I wouldn't be where I am. And I am truly thankful.” -SF


“Working with Kraye has offered me a huge turning point in my life.
Do I keep doing things the way I've always done them? Or do I choose something new.
And should I stumble and fall, he helps pick me up and brush me off and sends me on my merry way.
No-one can do the work for you, but it sure is nice to have a good friend along the way.
And for that, I am incredibly grateful.” -BL


"Hanging with Kraye has been an I opener.  Seeing myself reflected through compassionate samurai eyes is always a pleasure for me, and if it's something that you would benefit from, it comes highly recommended from this side of the pond…" -RR

"Kraye has, many times, held my heart gently while deftly guiding me to heal my psychological scar tissue so that I might live a richer, fuller life. The quality of his attention, patience, and skill in navigating complex issues is invaluable to anyone who both wants access to a wider range of life and is willing to learn and unlearn, as necessary, to get there."

“I have changed profoundly in just a few weeks working with Kraye. He has expertly challenged my limiting beliefs and helped me free myself from their chains. He shows up as a caring human with a great sense of humor, which really helped me work through some tough challenges. I highly recommend working with him.” -AO


“I recently took Kraye's online dojo class with several other participants. The depth of insight that Kraye brings to the experience is quite powerful. I dare say that time spent with Kraye and the cohort is time well spent indeed. I can't wait to sign up again!! - DW

“I have been working on a book for years. I have written over 100K words and still no book. I pick it up and work on it for while, lose my enthusiasm, and put it down. I've taken two classes that were supposed to help me finish, but they didn't. It is one week after finishing your class and book one is finished. Now I am trying to decide whether to self publish it or submit to an agency.” – GM

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