Orientation to the Other in Dojo

One thing I forgot to explain about Hang.

It’s about the bringing something new to how you relate to people.

Sure, the stuff about what it’s in it for you, that’s easily understandable.

What’s in it for the other, that might take a moment.

In Dojo, you’re in Dojo with a bunch of other people orientated towards Dojo.

This is NOT about dancing with muggles (non-Dojo-types).

Not only are you interesting in changing things up for yourself, you’re interested in changing things up for the other.

You want to be able to give them something new to dance with.

Which means that, chances are, if you’re dancing with their Public Face with your Primal Character, it’s old news.

No-one is going to give any weight to, “My Primal Character is telling me that this is what that is, that this is what I feel in the face of that, this is what the meaning is of that, and this is what I’m supposed to do with that, feeling and knowing this.”

That is a dance that you already know.

We’re not here to dance dances we already know.

Doesn’t matter what kind of high or low value response that happens.

Doesn’t matter what kind of value your Primal Character wants to be evaluated as.

Doesn’t matter what kind of response your Primal Character does or does not want to happen over there or in here.

Why do you want to feed the bigoted wolf of your Primal Character?

Especially if your intention is to help your Dojo-mate practice something different.